Sparrowhawk sitting at edge of nest cup and higher up suggesting maybe making room of hatchling(s). hopefully. Lots of curra wongs around - one was diving on the sparrowhawk the other day.
Whipbirds chasing each other around right next to me on track down to creek - watched it for some time - they were out in the open a lot not seeming to mind or notice me right there.Peewees- watched the change over at the nest.
Dollarbirds around Sugar Loaf Point.
Rufous fantail - immature - close to me watched for a while - interesting markings.
Black-faced cuckoo-shrike - immature just the black mark thru eye.
Sacred kingfishers mating - did I mention that before. then no sign of for the last few days.
Lorikeet nesting no sign of
Finches nest - no sign of.
Storm birds still racous calling of the four flying around over the last week.
The turtles this morning.
Photos of white orchids this morning - hard to get a good pic of this.