Sunday, June 3, 2012

Maps of which parks will be affected | No Hunting in our National Parks

Maps of which parks will be affected | No Hunting in our National Parks

 List of parks where hunting will be allowed
Abercrombie River National Park
Turon National Park
Coolah Tops National Park
Warrumbungle National Park
Goulburn River National Park
New England Tablelands
Bald Rock National Park
Nowendoc National Park
Basket Swamp National Park
Piliga East National Park
Boonoo National Park
Piliga West National Park
Gibraltar Range National Park
Oxley Wild Rivers National Park
South Coast and Highlands
Benambra National Park
Tallaganda National Park
Brindabella National Park
Woomargama National Park
Kosciuszko National Park
Morton National Park
Wadbilliga National Park
South East Forests National Park
Goonoo National Park
Paroo-Darling National Park
Gundabooka National Park
Yanga National Park
Mallee Cliffs National Park
Murray Valley National Park
Northern Rivers
Yabbra National Park
Nightcap National Park
Richmond Range National Park
Dorrigo National Park
Watagans National Park
Myall Lakes National Park
Barrington Tops National Park
Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve
Pilliga Nature Reserve
Gibraltar Nature Reserve
Big Bush Nature Reserve
Lake Urana Nature Reserve
Boginderra Hills Nature Reserve
Langtree Nature Reserve
Buddigower Nature Reserve
Ledknapper Nature Reserve
Cocopara Nature Reserve
Loughnan Nature Reserve
Coolbadggie Nature Reserve
Narrandera Nature Reserve
Goonawarra Nature Reserve
Nearie Lake Nature Reserve
Gubbata Nature Reserve
Nocoleche Nature Reserve
Ingalba Nature Reserve
Nombinnie Nature Reserve
Jerilderie Nature Reserve
Piliga Nature Reserve
Kajuligah Nature Reserve
Pucawan Nature Reserve
Kemendok Nature Reserve
Pulletop Nature Reserve
Round Hill Nature Reserve
Quanda Nature Reserve
Tarawi Nature Reserve
Yanga Nature Reserve
The Charcoal Tank Nature Reserve
Yathong Nature Reserve
Mullion Range State Conservation Area
Mount Canobolas State Conservation Area
Barrington Tops State Conservation Area
Butterleaf State Conservation Area
Torrington State Conservation Area
Cataract State Conservation Area
Watsons Creek State Conservation Area
Mount Hyland State Conservation Area
Werrikimbe State Conservation Area
Goonoon State Conservation Area
Paroo-Darling State Conservation Area
Gundabooka State Conservation Area
Yanga State Conservation Area

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Turpentine Ironbark Forests - Ironing out the Creases:


Saturday 2pm, 28th April
Turpentine Ironbark Forests -
Ironing out the Creases:

A classification system for shale forests within the Sydney Basin

Sydney's shale forests have been mostly cleared for farms and timber.
Remaining forests are often in isolated remnants and are considered
endangered. Though protected under Commonwealth and State Threatened
species legislation, classifying these often small, fragmented forest remnants has
been sometimes confusing.
A recent across-Sydney mapping project classified the different types of shale
vegetation and our guest speaker, Roger Lembit, will describe the processes and
methodology involved in the development of this mapping project. There will be a
special emphasis on the Ryde area which has been one of the most difficult to
classify given its location on the edge of the Cumberland Plain.
Roger has been a member of the National Parks Association of NSW for over
thirty years. He has also worked for the Nature Conservation Council of NSW
and The Wilderness Society. He now works as an independent environmental
consultant involved in a series of vegetation surveys and monitoring projects
focused on the western Blue Mountains. He has particular expertise in flora
surveys, vegetation dynamics and conservation of rare or threatened plant
species. He has extensive experience in flora surveys across New South Wales.

For bookings and further information: Cathy 9817 4935 or email
Entry is via a gold coin donation.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bird Sense by Tim Birkhead

The subtitle of Tim Birkhead's superb book Bird Sense is "What it's like to be a bird". The effect of his admirably brisk but sparklingly lucid pages is to refocus the point of view on to us and force a rethink as to what it's like to be a human sharing the earth with such wonderfully different and yet recognisably similar animals. After such knowledge we might never be quite the same again.
The robin and the blue tit that came to my back-garden bird table as I wrote that sentence are living in a world splashed in ultraviolet colour and with a palpable magnetic field. Having this and much more, the owl's ears and so on, vividly explained is like having the top of your own head lifted off and its contents deliciously stirred: no one after reading this book could think it was possible to know too much, no one could think science removes us from feeling.