Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jan-Feb 2011 Notes

Butterfly on grasstree spike fom copy

A few grasstree spikes flowering with numbers of butterflies attracted Sugarloaf Point Hill track.

One dead tree Sugarloaf Point – family of dollarbirds with adult catching insects and feeding juveniles; same tree same time almost channel-billed cuckoo being fed by a currawong; same tree almost same time a sacred kingfisher calling with family answering calls coming back.

Southern Boobook owl flying about near sand track in FOM early morning.  This is the first time I have seen a southern boobook in FOM but have heard them at night regularly.

Spider time: the daily process of carrying a twig to clear the spiderwebs as I walk since I am usually the first along the track in the morning.  When meeting a walker coming the other direction once in a while the usual greeting “Oh I have cleared the spiderwebs for you.”

Anyway this is spidertime it seems since the dewdrops gather and the sunshine highlights them there seems to be thousands of webs about in the bush and the fashion is a curled leaf shelter at the centre of the web. The slightest movement and they disappear inside the leaf.




Week 31 Jan-6 Feb – heatwave territory:  so hot 41 degrees on Sat. so humid, so dry, some mornings a good dew, so many dead leaves about – flows of leaves; but still so much new growth everywhere – more wattle blossoms set to open soon, etce etc

lane cover river sunlight copy

Lane Cove River early morning sunlight.



Wonderfully delicate color looking into the sunlight through dead leaves – an early morning delight in Field of Mars Wildlife Refuge.


dewdrops in a head of grass FOM


Sunlight early, dewy morning FOM