Check this link to follow happenings at the white-bellied sea eagle nest in Sydney Olympic Park.
Today an egg was laid in the nest.
http://fieldofmarswildliferefuge.blogspot.com/ wetlorikeet@live.com.au
This morning the whipbirds were the highlight. Male and female a few metres away – calling to each other quite visible much of the time – the female didn’t answer every time the male called I noticed – a ten minute pleasure up my end of Field of Mars.
Feeding groups this morning: silver eyes, eastern robins, tree creepers, thornbills, grey fantails.
enjoyed being in midst of feeding group – a regular event in FOM – grey fantail – I found delightful as usual just a couple of metres away for a long time with the other familiars – superbs, scrubs, red-browed,
seen quite a few crimson rozellas lately too
still lots of water on tracks and flowing and oozing out of the rocks.
probably----Common Eastern Froglet Crinia signifera
from: http://www.fats.org.au/Publications_files/FF7%20April%202006.pdf
Tadpoles in the rockpool, sugarloaf point track – lots of, all sizes, and after dark lots of frogs calling. They don’t mess around after the rain and during the rain. The rockpool has been overflowing for a while now.
Paw print along the track!
Tawny frogmouth today – drying out in the sun – note wing out and can you see the eye? In a casuarina on creek near visitors centre.
The trails today were still flowing with water in many places even after 24 hours or so of no rain after the deluge of the last days.